Lowndes coverage: Your opinion matters

Published 9:30 am Friday, July 19, 2024

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An Editorial Opinion of The Lowndes Signal

On Thursday, The Lowndes Signal launched a survey asking readers to let us know what topics they wish to read more or less about. 

Asking for an opinion is risky. There are no guarantees that responses will prove readers already like what we are doing. However, The Lowndes Signal is willing to take the risk, because the opinions of our valued readers matter.

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Newsrooms operate with no shortage of stories waiting to be written. There is a fine line between coverage of government workings, civic events, talent showcases, sports, awards and personal features. The list keeps going with little room to pause between important topics which merit articles.

But in the fray of working to be everywhere, some stories fall by the wayside and news gets missed. The topics that matter to our readers matter to us and that is why we are asking for your assistance, to help us learn what Lowndes County readers value most.

The survey is brief, asking only four questions aimed at discovering what merits more coverage and what readers hope to see less coverage around. We ask community members to take just a few minutes to offer feedback which we promise to consider as we plan upcoming issues and special publications.

To complete the survey, visit www.lowndessignal.com/contests. The survey runs from July 18 through Aug. 1.