Learn to be second

Published 10:15 am Sunday, September 15, 2024

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By Brandon Baggett

Have you ever heard the story of David and Jonathan? They had one of the greatest and most unlikely friendships in the Bible! Jonathan grew up in the palace where he was trained in the art of war; David grew up in the little town of Bethlehem where he served as a shepherd. Jonathan had his own armor and weapons; David was only equipped with a harp and a slingshot. Jonathan was the oldest son in his father’s house; David was the youngest son in his father’s house. 

Aside from those glaring differences, Jonathan was next in line to become king of Israel. However, God selected David to be the next king. Despite their differences, their friendship is one of the most beautiful examples of brotherly love in the Scriptures! “The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul” (1 Samuel 18:1 ESV). 

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What can we learn from their friendship? Consider Jonathan’s humility. Even though Jonathan was next in line to take the throne, he trusted in God’s plan for David to be the next king. He was willing to forgo his “right” as an heir to the throne to honor God’s plan. Jonathan once told David, “You will be king over Israel, and I will be second to you” (1 Samuel 23:17 NIV). I love how this passage reads! Jonathan was happy for David to be first, and he was willing to be second! That’s a true friend!

Are you willing to be second? Are you willing to put others above yourself? If you want to better your relationships, then work on thinking of others above yourself. Learn to be second! Your relationships will be strengthened in more ways than you could imagine! 

Brandon Baggett is preaching minister at Luverne Church of Christ.