Gordonville unveils first-ever digital sign

Published 11:00 am Wednesday, September 18, 2024

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In a festive ceremony held Tuesday, the Town of Gordonville unveiled its new, state-of-the-art digital sign. The display is the town’s first-ever marker north of town hall and as far as anyone knows, is the first digital sign installed in the area.

“I’ve been calling around,” said Gordonville Mayor Orbuty Ozier. “I think that Gordonville has the first digital, electronic sign among any of the municipalities in Lowndes County.”

The effort has been in the works for roughly two years as a means for helping passersby recognize the town’s presence. From the inspiration of the town council, the initiative took off and with the help of many supporters, became a milestone for the small town.

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“One of my council members Ms. Mildred Works said to me, ‘I sure hope we’re going to get a sign because different ones, they just pass right by here,” Ozier said. “We wanted something different because when you’re a small town, to make a difference, you do something that the public would really appreciate. I believe in the improvement of our community. It will bring residents, and they will have something they’ll be proud of.”

The mayor expressed her gratitude for the many people who helped bring the inspiration to fruition.

“I would like to thank Town Council members Mildred L. Works, Annie Campbell, Annie Patterson, Muriel Patterson and Courtney Burks, and Town Clerk Katrnia Smith, for all their work and support to make Gordonsville a better place to live,” Ozier said. “The Gordonville Community is one of the best.”

With help from Tristatz Senior Consultant William Scott, the town received a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) grant to fund the sign. It stands now surrounded by a custom planter box, designed by Ozier’s husband, William Ozier.

“I want to extend a special thanks to my husband William Ozier for donating the design of the custom planter box,” Ozier said. “Thanks to Sam Donze, architect; Osie Cunningham, electrician; Kelly and Associates Corporation Inc., builder of the custom planter box; and also William Scott, consultant of Tristatz. Let us not forget Dorothy Hulett of First Citizen Bank; Rose Norwood, USDA Area Director and Nivory Gordon, USDA State Director. With them we were able to get a grant for our electronic sign. Always, to God be the glory.”