Community Spotlight

Wastewater grant a big win (again) for Lowndes residents

(An Editorial Opinion of The Lowndes Signal) If you know what is right and just, you should never ...

Community Spotlight

Excellent meal options in Lowndes County

(An Editorial Opinion of The Lowndes Signal) One of the many wonderful things about living in Lowndes County ...

Community Spotlight

Solving problems one invention at a time

  One Lowndes County resident was frustrated with everyday items and recurring issues she kept seeing on the ...

Community Spotlight

JET program in Lowndes county

The Lowndes County school system, along with special education instructors, are preparing children with special needs or disabilities ...

Community Spotlight

Forages: It Pays Farmers to be Efficient

by Justin Miller/Alabama Extension Service What in the world are forages? Well, in simple terms, forages are the ...

Community Spotlight

Stewart looks to gain Senate 23 seat

Alabama Senate candidate Robert Stewart is making history at the age of 32. He has claimed a run-off ...

Community Spotlight

Sanders plans to reclaim Senate District 23

Hank Sanders made the choice last minute in 2018 to not run for reelection of Alabama Senate District ...

Community Spotlight

ADAI is Accepting Century & Heritage Farm and Bicentennial Farm Applications

The Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries (ADAI) is now accepting applications for their annual Century & Heritage ...

Community Spotlight

Millipede: Alien or Arthropod?

by Cole Sikes/Alabama Extension Service No other animal may appear more otherworldly than a millipede. These creatures can ...

Community Spotlight

Library to host ancestry workshop

COME JOIN US TO DISCOVER YOUR FAMILY STORY Grow and Create Your Online Family Tree Find New Relatives, ...

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