Latest Faith


Finding Joy in Giving

By Dunford Cole There is still time for a prayerful and peaceful Advent. As you know, the season ...


The World’s Greatest Treasure Hunt

By R.A. Mathews He was a fun-loving angel — and a bit of a trickster! Don’t take my ...



Finding The Perfect Church By Michael J. Brooks It was a church slogan used in many places years ...


Coincidence or the Hand of God?

By R.A. Mathews My friend Catherine was late for church one morning and hurried upstairs to the balcony. ...


What Is Needed To Be Happy By Dean Kelly My wife and I have a favorite comic strip ...


The Third Sunday of Advent

By Dunford Cole I’m often asked one particular question during the Season of Advent, “Why is the third ...


Faith Community Calendar

* The Imago Dei Church Christmas program will be held Wednesday night, Dec. 18 at 6 p.m. There ...


Entering the Advent season

By Dunford Cole As we enter the Advent season, we are reminded that this time signifies “arrival.” It ...


How Then Shall We Worship?

By Michael J. Brooks My sister and I attended the Peter Noone concert last Christmas and heard “Herman” ...


The Blood Of Jesus Cleanses Us

By Dean Kelly “This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God ...

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