
Faith Community Calendar

* The Imago Dei Church Christmas program will be held Wednesday night, Dec. 18 at 6 p.m. There ...


CoffeeTime with Andy & Renie

Do You Dread Christmas? By Andy and Renie Bowman Many people dread Christmas. Many people find this particular ...


Gratitude: The memory of the heart

By Dunford Cole Happy Thanksgiving! It is often said that “gratitude is the memory of the heart.” What ...


In Everything Give Thanks

By Dean Kelly “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for ...


Preachers Who Make Tents

By Michael J. Brooks I met him while visiting our daughter’s church recently, and we had a brief ...


In times of lost hope — There is an answer

By R.A. Mathews It has been a very rough year. Many lost treasured belongings to devastating weather conditions, ...


Thanksgiving; A Time To Save

By Andy and Renie Bowman Everybody knows finances are tight today. Now, one can only hope against hope ...


Faith Community Calendar

* Lowndesboro Methodist Church invites community members to its annual toy drive, soup cookoff and Thanksgiving service Nov. ...


Drunken Pastor Living Among Us

By Andy and Renie Bowman My husband was a pastor for many years. And as such, he has ...


The Middle Verse of the Bible

By Brandon Baggett If you are reading from the King James Version, you will find 31,102 verses in ...

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