
Rebels celebrate seniors with 55-0 win

Lowndes Academy hosted Clarke Prep on Oct. 4, and celebrated Senior Night with a 55-0 win. Seniors and ...


Coroner requests budget, salary increase

Lowndes County Coroner Terrell Means appeared before county commissioners on Sept. 23 to set wheels in motion toward ...

Community Spotlight

Thomas voted Athlete of the Week

Jabraylen Thomas has been voted Lowndes County Athlete of the Week for Week 5. He is a  sophomore ...


Central presents homecoming court during halftime show

Central High School celebrated homecoming by presenting the court during Friday’s halftime show. Mr. and Mrs. CHS, Iyanis ...


Calhoun lifesaver honored for Character in Action

A freshman at The Calhoun School was honored recently for his lifesaving display of character in action. Ja’Keltin ...


Harrison nominated for Teacher of the Year

Margie Harrison was nominated for Teacher of the Year by the Alabama Head Start Association. She has been ...


Sheriff prepares two deputies for duty

Two veteran law enforcement officers are in training, preparing to serve as deputies for the Lowndes County Sheriff’s ...


Athlete of the Week opens, vote NOW

On the heels of a triple win Friday night, voting has opened for Lowndes County Athlete of the ...

Community Spotlight

Food ministry partnership feeds 375 families

Snow Hill Christian Church Disciples of Christ will celebrate 145 years of ministry in October. Nestled in the ...

Community Spotlight

Walker voted Athlete of the Week

Ford Walker has been voted Lowndes County Athlete of the Week for Week 4. He is a junior ...

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